
Semi-automatic wirehooder Enolta for sparkling wine, electric operation, pedal operated.
This popular machine serves both as a wire hooder for bottles previously capped with a mushroom cap and as a capper for crown caps, replacing the original accessories supplied.
It is therefore able to solve the bottling problems of “Champenoise” type wines bearing in mind the speed of execution and the safety of the operators who use it.

Main features

• Handling of all mechanical parts with hydraulic system.
• Holding the cage in position by means of a magnet with automatic folding of the closing ring.
• Possibility of adjustment for different types of bottles.
• All mechanical parts are built with special high-strength steels.

Technical features

• Height 1640 mm
• Width 500 mm
• Depth mm 600
• Worktop height 1000 mm
• 380 V HP 1 Three-phase motor
• Weight Kg 175

Manual distribution of wire-hoods.
Production 600 b / h about depending on the operator’s speed.

Used equipment in excellent condition, overhauled.


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